Wrath of the Jungle: Tower Defense
Wrath of the Jungle: Tower Defense is a fast-paced game where players choose to play as either attackers or defenders. As an attacker, players lead hordes of enemy creatures through the jungle to destroy the defender's base, while defenders use a variety of towers to fend off attackers.
With several maps to choose from, players can upgrade their towers and gain new abilities to maximize their defensive capabilities. The game offers a thrilling gaming experience for both aggresive attackers and valiant defenders.

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Defend the peace of the Jungle
In tower defense games, the game goal as defender is to strategically place defensive structures to prevent enemy attackers from reaching the player's base. It requires strategic planning, resource management, and quick thinking to succeed.

Anaconda Tower

Piranha Tower

Sloth Tower

Anaconda Tower
The Anaconda Tower is a powerful defensive structure which is a bit slow, but hits hard! Every undead unit spawned from the depths, no matter how strong they may be, always fears the bite of the Anaconda. Anaconda's can manage to take out Gorillas in a single bite, making any enemy unit quiver as it runs by. Though ferocious, anaconda towers can be seen as glass towers. They pack a punch, but a well placed Macaw Crypt can ruin its day by destroying it in mere seconds!
Find answers to common questions that other players have asked previously about the game below.
What is Wrath Of The Jungle: Tower Defense?
How do the lobbies work?
How can I rewatch or replay a match?
Built With Paima Engine - Unlocking The Next Generation Of Web3 Games
Paima Engineは、開発者がWeb2プログラミングのスキルを再利用して、完全にトラストレスなWeb3ゲーム(またはアプリ)を構築できる唯一のブロックチェーン・ゲームエンジンです。開発者は、JavaScript、リレーショナル・データベース、および従来のWeb2スタックのすべてにおける長年の知識をPaima Engineで活用しながら、レイヤー2ブロックチェーン技術の最先端をフルに利用することができます。

Unity Frontend
Wrath of the Jungle: Tower Defense uses Unity for its frontend, taking advantage of industry-standard game development tooling. Paima Engine allows developers to use the stacks that they are familiar with to get the most out of their time, and focus strictly on their job: making great games.

Full On-Chain Integration
Games built with Paima Engine, like Wrath of The Jungle: Tower Defense, are full-fledged Web3 games that live on-chain. Every game input a user submits is posted and lives forever in history, allowing for deep blockchain integration and new features like Stateful NFTs!

Paima Game Node
The backend for games built with Paima Engine are in fact 'Game Nodes' just like a 'Blockchain Node' which you may be more familiar with. In other words, by simply running the game node you can always pick up and play the game again, whether today, or in a decade!
Start building your own Web3 games today
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